Our Citizenship is in Heaven: Josh Blount's Outline from the Pastors Conference

During our recent pastors conference, Josh Blount served us with a breakout session entitled Our Citizenship is in Heaven: Christ's Church and Cultural Pressures. Josh Blount is a unique gift to our family of churches, and this brilliant session was a perfect example of why I look forward to learning from Josh for decades to come. Josh is a blend of towering intellect and pastoral gentleness, theological skill and shepherding instinct. In this session he winsomely defined and analyzed three significant unbiblical pressures that churches are facing today and provided a theological alternative to help us guard the heavenly and Biblical identity of our congregations.

Given the richness of Josh's teaching and the limited time of the session, his outline (and appendix!) is a useful resource for all of us and Josh kindly agreed to let us post it here.